Along the way, we have made many signature pieces such as bedroom furniture, river tables, laundry room benches, free-standing and wall-mounted coat racks, dollhouse furniture, quilt racks, miscellaneous kitchen/utility casework, and more. If it can be carved from wood, we can make it!
With the addition in 2019 of a Digital Wood Carvers DWC2440 CNC (along with a lot of educational assistance from their fantastic support staff) we started making engraved signage, text-on-text signs, acrylic LED lit signs, laser etched signs, etc.
When you look around our shop you’ll see a lot of small pieces of wood. You might ask yourself, “Why don’t they clean up this place?” Our philosophy is pretty basic: there is no such thing as scrap wood in the shop (unless you are talking sawdust and even this may be utilized if we decide to make wood pellets). Some of the projects that are made from “repurposed” pieces of wood include drink coasters, small jewelry boxes, cribbage boards, etc.